ABOUT ME: Digital Facilitator, Consultant
& Changemaker Coach, in Sweden and globally

I am working with partners and organizations across the globe to facilitate the transition to digital gatherings, conferences, and meetings to harvest collective intelligence from large groups.

What I typically do is to help design and facilitate processes and meetings that maximize interaction, engagement, and learning for those who are invaluable participants. As a facilitator, I am used to working with large groups, designing programs that engage the individual while maximizing the value of gathering a group or team.

What I want is to enable and be a part of the community. I really enjoy co-creating empowering spaces, where people can access and develop the tools they need to be all they dream of as individuals and collectives. Seeing that happen is amazing!

My main strengths are making connections and facilitating welcoming, safe spaces for dialogue, co-creation, and development. I like to merge perspectives from various walks of life. Creativity is born when unlikely combinations of people get together and spark the unexpected.

I have over two decades of professional experience in initiating, managing, and facilitating projects for positive social change. Primarily through getting people together, supporting leadership development, driving equality issues, LQBTQIA+, and youth empowerment work. I thrive on working across borders and continents.

My passion lies in facilitating dialogue, designing programs, training, coaching, co-creating with emerging leaders, and harvesting the positive social change that we can accomplish together through the community. Community, compassion, and kindness are values that I live for.

Pop me a note if you want to have a chat about how we could create change together.